Obi-Wan Kenobi you are my only hope.

Obi-Wan Kenobi you are my only hope.

“Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are my only hope,” -Kathleen Kennedy.

Disney just released a series called “Kenobi” based on the character Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars episode IV, A New Hope, and Star Wars prequels Episodes I, II, and III.

What you need to know.

Disney’s Kenobi has some fan service if you miss the prequels. With cameos from Hayden Christensen, and Liam Neeson, and the Staring role of Ewan Mc Gregor, it gave fans a chance to relive the old republic. But like most of the past, the memory of it looks better in the future’s light. Where Disney has taken a big dump on the franchise.

Star Wars is just a platform for Disney to spread its woke ideology.

White men bad, after the Disney Sequel trilogy killed of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in the worse way possible, they endeavored to do that to Obi-Wan, but since they couldn’t kill him before a New Hope, they simply made him weaker and more stupid. Obi-Wan Kenobi was supposed to be the wise old Jedi sage. But instead, he is just a disillusioned failure. This story focus more around a very young adolescent Princess Leia Organa and a confusing character names Reva Servander.

Third Sister—WTF?

I’m sorry but this character played by Moses Ingram, Reva—Third Sister, seems completely contrived. And once her back story is explained, it gets worse. She was a Jedi youngling who Anikan left for dead but survived. She wants revenge against Anakin for killing all her childhood Jedi friends. So she decides to get close to Lord Vader, spoiler Anakin, and to do that she helps hunt down and kill Jedi for him all the while just waiting for her chance to kill Darth Vader, AKA Anakin.

Plot holes bigger than the Kardashian’s holes.

So Sherlock Holmes/Reva, alone, discovers a link between the Organa’s and Obi Wan Kenobi. She plans of kidnapping of Leia to lure Kenobi out of hiding. All this to get street cred from Vader. It works. Obi Wan rescues Princess Leia and eventually returns her to her adopted parents, Senator Organa and his wife—The End. But wait? Wouldn’ the empire just arrest the Organa’s and torture them and hold them until they could lure out Obi Want again?

Getting stabbed in your chest with a light saber won’t kill you.

I feel bad for Qui-Gon-Jin. If only he knew that a light saber through the chest won’t kill you if you stop being a pussy. Reva stabs the Grand Inquisitor through the chest with her light saber. He appears dead but comes back to the series after Vader stabs Reva through the chest with a light saber. With the Inquisitor’s miracle recovery from the same wound, wouldn’t you think they would make sure she was dead? Nah, they don’t and she survives. How does she? Force BS or something idk.

Obi-Wan had one job!

His job from the end of Episode III was to watch after young Luke Skywalker. But he couldn’t even do that. He ran off, leaving Luke unprotected and then lead Reva with clues back to Tatooine, the home of Anakin’s son, Luke Skywalker. But don’t worry, his farmer-uncle Owen and his wife will protect him against the sith-ish Reva. and in the last episode of Kenobi season 1 we have dual fight scenes between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader and Reva and Uncle Owen. Obi-Wan somehow gets his Jedi powers back in the nick of time to fight Vader. Obi-Wan defeats Vader but leaves him to live on and murder and kill doing the Emporers bidding.

Some Stars Wars Plot Clean up.

In episode IV, Ben Kenobi tells Luke that your father Anakin was killed by his pupil, Darth Vader, who turned to evil. The outright lie had confused Star Wars fans for years, but in this episode of Kenobi, Vader tells Obi-Wan, “You didn’t kill Anakin, I did.”

“You didn’t kill Anakin—I did,” -Darth Vader.

Vader may have killed Anakin, but we all know who has killed Star Wars, Disney has.

Reva has seen the light.

So after helping the Empire hunt down and kill Jedi, men, women and children, in her quest for vengeance against Anakin, finally she sees the light. She hunts down young Luke Skywalker. She chases him into the desert and was about to kill the son of Anakin Skywalker, but feels remorse, realizing what she was doing was wrong. She carries Luke back to his adopted parents, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Obi-Wan sees this one act of decency as enough to forgive her for all the murders of the Jedi she has committed. A better ending would have been them going out to the desert and putting Reva down. Now she knows the location and the identity of Anakin’s son Luke Skywalker. How could he trust her? Just days ago she killed rebels who were hiding Jedi.

Disney understands morality I don’t.

Beyond the flimsy storyline, most of the scenes were unbelievable and characters insignificant and unlikeable. But they were certain to make all the heroic and competent characters women. at the very end of the season we see Liam Neeson’s cameo as Qui-Gon Jin, I guess leading into another season. beyond the last fight between Vader and Kenobi from the season finally, the show was lack luster. They couldn’t deconstruct Obi-Wan too much because he was in Episode IV, or I am certain it would have been even worse.

Lucas vs Kenedy.

George Lucas did not attend the Star Wars Gala this year because Kathlene Kenedy changed the music score, removing the original soundtrack of John Williams and breaking another promise with Lucas. She also removed scenes from the series that Lucas had planned with Kenedy. My expectations were low, so I was not too disappointed it was what I expected it to be, but it could have been much better. What are your thoughts? Did I get it wrong or leave anything out? Please comment.

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